"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness"
The Kerala Christian Fellowship (KCF) is a UK-registered charity set up by a group of non-resident Indians to enable under-privileged students ‘back home’ to pursue further education in their chosen fields. The members, majority of whom are resident in the UK, work as a collective to try and make a small but lasting difference in the lives of those who could not otherwise afford to go to college.
KCF funds educational programmes, particularly nursing degrees, which substantially improve young people’s chances of securing a steady income. Guided by the Christian principles of compassionate care and mutual responsibility and this translates into reaching out into the wider community with a view of meeting people, regardless of their religious beliefs, at their point of need.
The trustees and members of KCF are all volunteers and so there are no administration expenses. 100% of all donations go directly to the beneficiaries.
Together, we believe that education is both the means as well as an end to a better life: means, because it empowers an individual to earn their livelihood and an end because it increases one’s awareness of a range of issues from healthcare to appropriate social behaviour to understanding one’s rights, in the process empowering them to become better citizens.
We have adopted the Social Venture Philanthropy model as a way of bringing together business and social entrepreneurs to discover creative solutions to complex social problems. We intend to create platforms and avenues through which people can think about their charitable giving.