“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”
2 Timothy 4:7
Kerala Christian Fellowship, its members and supporters, join the United Kingdom in mourning the death of its longest serving monarch, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
An embodiment of the Christian values that Her Majesty was brought up with, she promised before God to serve her people, and strove with every breath to keep that promise till her final days. Her personal sacrifices in the pursuit of serving her people with humility, dignity and a smile cannot be measured. She was an inspiration to many and endeared herself to the world by, being a constant where there was none, yet a champion of change where it was needed.
We bow our heads in prayer and ask God that her family are granted divine peace, strength and understanding during these days, weeks and months, as they come to terms with the loss of their mother, grandmother and great grandmother.
May Her Majesty rest in peace.